Biocidal Products

ktudfAs biocidal products in accordance with Directive 98/8 / EC, better known as BPD (Biocidal Products Directive), are considered the active substances and mixtures containing one or more active substances, which are used for the protection of humans, animals, materials or objects from harmful organisms, such as bacteria or parasites.

Biocidal products are classified into 23 different types, depending on their activity, has been reviewed by technical committees by 2014 at European level, with a view to ensuring safe circulation of the consumer, the user and the environment.

According to the BPD, in order a company to put on the market of a State Member of the EU a biocidal product should be filed with the competent authority of the State dossier for the active substance and the product itself and to ensure compliance with the required precautionary measures and protection.

The BPD will be gradually replaced by the new Regulation 528/2012 (BPR-Biocidal Products Regulation), at 2013.

Eco-efficiency & Technical Advisory Ltd. can help you complete all the necessary procedures to start or continue marketing your biocidal product:

  • creation of full or supplementary documentation (formulation composition, physicochemical properties and active product, toxicological studies)
  • risk assessments for humans and the environment
  • advisory role for the necessary preventive and protective measures and proper use of the product in general
  • communication with the competent authorities and folder holders abroad for cooperation companies
  • creation of Safety Data Sheets  and draft label for the product based on recent standards, the directives of chemicals.

%ce%b1%cf%81%cf%87%ce%b5%ce%af%ce%bf-%ce%bb%ce%ae%cf%88%ce%b7%cf%82Our company:

  • Has extensive experience in risk assessment, through the full REACH dossiers has filed and companies and consortia substances has supported
  • Cooperates with experienced toxicologists to carry out a risk assessment
  • Cooperates with specialized laboratories abroad to conduct specialized studies.